Kerbaltek needs help with our mods. If you have a working knowledge of C#, please Contact us.
Registered Kerbaltek members can subscribe to email updates on the User page. You'll get notices about new versions the moment they come out.
If your question isn't listed here, please use our Contact page to ask.
We recommend using the newest versions of KSP and HyperEdit, as well as all your plugins and software. As always, if you have any issues at all, please use our Contact page.
Since creation, HyperEdit has been downloaded a total of 775,701 times.
This is the newest, and should work with the latest KSP.
This version also works for KSP 1.4.x through 1.12.x Big thanks to @sArge for helping with this release. I literally could not have done it without them, and the rest of this community.
BETA testers welcome! If you're game, feel free to try out these test versions, and report any problems and suggestions. If they work out, we might add their features to the next release. Thanks in advance for all your help!
WARNING! These versions are for TESTING ONLY, and may not work properly, or at all. We can't be held responsible if cosmic climate zombie daemons eated up all your dataz. By using these, you agree that it's not our fault.
To use one of these, just unzip and/or copy the DLL file into the Kerbaltek folder inside GameData (create it if you don't have it), and delete or move the original .dll file.
- Fixed Lander view issue. - Added fancy time increment buttons. Thanks go to the community members that contributed these changes.
These older versions are provided for your convenience, but are no longer supported.
Lander: - Changed Auto Open to default to false (off). - Updated for KSP 1.3.1: "Fixed" the location coords that were completely borked. Thanks to @eXigentCoder , @chrisverwey , and @fronbow for this fix.
Recompiled for KSP 1.3. Fixed windows appearing off screen.
September 14, 2016 Updated to KSP 1.2. Thanks TriggerAu and NathanKell! Lander: Added a "Most Recent" auto-save that reloads on opening. Added altitude to saved coordinates. Changed "Land/Drop" radio toggle to actual buttons. "Perfected" preset locations. Clarified/simplified wording. Added limit checks to latitude and altitude. Added Auto Open option.